
Pregnancy Physio
Lower back pain
Pelvic girdle pain (including symphysis pubis)
Coccyx pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Rectus Abdominis Diastasis
Rib pain
Upper back/shoulder/neck pain
Pregnancy related bladder or bowel problems
Pelvic floor muscle weakness
Pregnancy related pelvic organ prolapse

Postnatal Physio
The Mummy MOT assessment (appropriate from 6 weeks after delivery)
Back, neck, shoulder, wrist pain
Pelvic girdle and coccyx pain
C - section delivery recovery
Perineal trauma recovery (episiotomies, 2nd, 3rd, 4th degree tears)
C - section scar massage
Rectus Abdominis Diastasis rehab
Pelvic floor/core weakness
Pelvic organ prolapse
Bladder and bowel problems

Massage and ScarWork
Bothersome scars (painful, itchy, tight, numb, old, new)
Post surgical scars (appropriate anytime from 6 weeks after surgery)
C -- section, episiotomy and perineal tear scars
Pain free ScarWork techniques
Appointments available in clinic, the comfort of your own home, or virtually via Zoom. Clinic appointments can be booked online here, for home or virtual appointments please contact me directly and I will be happy to help.